Reference point offset for control measuring system (P-CHAN-00805)
P-CHAN-00805 | Reference point offset for measuring system |
Description | The value range of the sensor measuring system can be moved by an offset using this machine data item. This is necessary in the case of absolute sensors, for example, to define the reference point, i.e. the sensor position that is adjusted if the spindle touches the ideal workpiece surface. |
Parameter | dist_ctrl[i]. ref_offset (where i=0) |
Data type | SGN32 |
Data range | MIN(SGN32) <=ref_offset < MAX(SGN32) |
Dimension | [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø] |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Available as of Build V3.1.3080.12 or V3.1.3107.44 |