Weighting the distance control output values (P-CHAN-00821)
P-CHAN-00821 | Weighting the distance control output values |
Description | The parameter weights the cyclic output value of the distance control. This may affect the distance control dynamics. For kp values less than 1.0, the distance control dynamics are reduced; for kp value greater than 1.0, the dynamics are increased. |
Parameter | dist_ctrl[i].kp (where i=0) |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0.0 < kp <= 2.0 |
Dimension | [-] |
Default value | 1.0 |
Remarks | Available as of Build V3.1.3080.12 or V3.1.3107.44 A kp factor less than 1 reduces a possible distance control oscillation and steadies the control in the event of minor distance errors. |