Derivative (D) action time of the PID controller (P-CHAN-00823)
P-CHAN-00823 | Derivative (D) action time of the PID controller |
Description | This parameter weights the D component of the PID controller. The derivative action time defines the time after which the P and D components of the manipulated variable are equal. The derivative action time stabilises controller behaviour and reduces oscillations. The larger the derivative action time, the stronger the D component. Disable the D component by d_tv=0. |
Parameter | dist_ctrl[i].d_tv (where i=0) |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0.0 <= d_tv <= 2.0 |
Dimension | [s] |
Default value | 0.0 |
Remarks | Available as of Build V3.1.3080.12 or V3.1.3107.44 To begin with, it is advisable to select a low initial value for the derivative action time setting to avoid instability in the control loop (e.g.: 0.01). You can then reduce the derivative action time step by step to obtain the effect you require. |