Selecting/activating a coordinate system (#CS SELECT)

The link must be activated so that newly programmed positions act on the correct CS of the CS stack. The following NC command is provided for this function:

Syntax of Selecting/activating CS:

#CS SELECT [<Name>]


Name of the CS to be activated or the linked section of a CS stack with maximum of 8 characters.

After selecting a CS, all the programmed positions apply only to this CS. All the higher Cs’s in the CS stack are only used for display purposes. #CS SELECT cannot be used without at least defining a CS or CS stack in advance.

Activating a CS stack with #CS SELECT
Activating a CS stack with #CS SELECT

Programing Example


Activate a CS link based on a CS stack


N10 #CS ADD [ICS] [10,10,0,0,0,45]

N20 #CS ADD [WCS] [15,20,0,0,0,0]

N30 #CS ADD [PCS] [10,15,0,0,0,5]


N60 #CS SELECT [WCS]   ;Active CS link ICS-WCS


N80 #CS SELECT [WCS]   ;Active CS link ICS-WCS-PCS


Nxx M30