Selecting/activating the machine coordinate system (#CS SELECT[MCS/MCS])
A kinematic transformation when activated generates a predefined machine CS whose origin lies at the machine zero point.
If the transformation consists of one step, the CS is given the preassigned name MCS.
Kinematic transformations consisting of 2 steps create an additional subordinate intermediate CS with the preassigned name IMCS in addition to the MCS. In this configuration, the MCS is formed by combining the two transformation steps and the IMCS is formed by the first transformation step.
These names may be used in combination with the selection command #CS SELECT. If a user-specific CS is programmed with this name by #CS ADD, an error message is output.
Syntax of Selecting/activating a predefined MCS/IMCS: |
#CS SELECT [MCS] Select machine CS formed from a single- or two-step transformation |
#CS SELECT [IMCS] Select intermediate CS formed from the first step with a two-step transformation |


The command #CS SELECT [MCS/IMCS] activates the first Cartesian CS at the machine zero point when a single-step or two-step kinematic transformation is active.
By contrast, the command #MCS ON deactivates all active Cartesian and kinematic transformations and offsets to permit the machine axes to be positioned directly.