Reversal of rotation direction without spindle standstill (P-TOOL-00019)
P-TOOL-00019 | Reversal of rotation direction without spindle standstill |
Description | When changing a tool with a tool gear which changes the direction of rotation (see P-TOOL-00018), the spindle must be at standstill, otherwise the CNC generates the error message P-ERR-60290. If this parameter is assigned the value TRUE, a change in tool rotation direction is only evaluated when a programmed change in spindle direction takes place (M03/M04 or M04/M03). In this case, the spindle does not stop. Example: This is practical for a machine with several tools rotating at the same time. |
Parameter | wz[i].gear_inv_direction_no_stop |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0/1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Only use this parameter if no physical tool change is linked to the D/T word (e.g. several drills/milling cutters on one machine). |