Flag bit of a thread function (P-RTCF-00014)
P-RTCF-00014 | Flag bit of a thread function for diagnostic purposes |
Description | For diagnosis with an oscilloscope, the start and end of a thread function can be displayed by setting a bit on the parallel interface. The timing of the scheduler can then be recorded. |
Parameter | thread[i].function[j].trace_bit |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 ... 7 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: thread[0].name GEO1 thread[0].context_info 1 thread[0].cycle 2000 thread[0].priority 31 # HIGHEST thread[0].error_on_overflow 1 thread[0].function[0].name task_int thread[0].function[0].calls_per_cycle 1 thread[0].function[0].trace_bit 1 |