General 2-path syntax
The associated contour elements of the two paths must always be programmed in one NC block to ensure proper assignment. Use the separator ':' to identify or delimit the individual path sections.

When 2-path programming is active (P-CHAN-00261), the separator ':' can no longer be used as the jump label flag of block numbers for $GOTO. However, jump targets can still be set using jump labels.
All NC commands in front of the first ':' separator in the NC block apply to both paths (global section).
Commands after the first ':' separator are assigned to the first path. They only act on the lower path and only the axis names of the lower plane, in other words X, Y, Z for example, are permitted.
Commands after the second ':' separator are assigned to the second path. They only act on the upper path and only the axis names of the upper plane, in other words U, V, W for example, are permitted.
An axis in the lower path may not be programmed in the section of the upper path and vice versa. Such an incorrect programming is detected and an error message (P-ERR-21591) is output
If an additional axis is programmed in combination with 2-path syntax, this must be executed in the global section.
In general, 2-path syntax consists of three sections:
Global commands - Lower path (path 1) - Upper path (path 2)
If a section is not required, it remains empty. The sections are delimited by a ‘:’ separator.
Diagram of 2-path syntax: |
<Global section> : <Section path1> : <Section path2> |
N.. G01 G90 F100 : X100 Y100 Z0 : U100 V100 W0
Special rule:
If no path-specific entries are required, axis motions can also be programmed without separators. The axes are then assigned to the correct path by using axis names.
N.. G01 G90 X0 Y0 Z0 U0 V0 W0 F1000 ;path 1:X,Y,Z path 2:U,V,W