Programming examples for syntax

linear movements

Example 1:

Global: linear motions, feed, absolute positions

Path 1: axis positions

Path 2: axis positions

N.. G01 F10 G90 : X10 Y10 Z0 : U10 V10 W0

Example 2:

Global: feed

Path 1: linear motion, absolute positions, axis positions

Path 2: linear motion, absolute positions, axis positions

N.. F10 : G01 G90 X10 Y10 Z0 : G01 G90 U10 V10 W0

Example 3:

Global: feed

Path 1: linear motion, absolute positions, axis positions

Path 2: linear motion, relative positions, axis positions

N.. F10 : G01 G90 X10 Y10 Z0 : G01 G91 U10 V10 W0

Example 4:

Global: linear motions, feed, absolute positions

Path 1: rapid traverse, absolute positions, axis positions

Path 2: linear motions, relative positions, axis positions

N.. G01 F10 G90: G00 G90 X10 Y10 Z0 : G91 U10 V10 W0

Example 5:

Global: linear motions, feed, absolute positions

Path 1: ---

Path 2: axis positions

N.. G01 F10 G90 : : U10 V10 W0

Example 6:

Global: linear motions, feed, absolute positions

Path 1: axis positions

Path 2: ---

N.. G01 F10 G90 : X10 Y10 Z0


N.. G01 F10 G90 : X10 Y10 Z0 :

Example 7:

Global: linear motions, feed, absolute positions, axis position of additional axis

Path 1: axis positions

Path 2: axis positions

N.. G01 F10 G90 Z1=100 : X10 Y10 Z0 : U10 V10 W0

circular movements

Example 1:

Global: circular motions, feed, absolute positions, circle centre points

Path 1: axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: axis positions of circle target point

N.. G02 F10 G90 I10 J0 : X20 Y0 Z0 : U20 V0 W0

Example 2:

Global: CW circular motions, feed, absolute positions, circle radius

Path 1: axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: axis positions of circle target point

N.. G02 F10 G90 R10 : X20 Y0 Z0 : U20 V0 W0

Example 3:

Global: CW circular motions, feed, absolute positions

Path 1: circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

N.. G02 F10 G90 : I10 J0 X20 Y0 Z0 : I15 J0 U30 V0 W0

Example 4:

Global: feed, absolute positions

Path 1: CW circular motions, circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: CCW circular motions, circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

N.. F10 G90 : G02 I10 J0 X20 Y0 Z0 : G03 I15 J0 U30 V0 W0

Example 5:

Global: feed, absolute positions

Path 1: CW circular motions, circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: CCW circular motions, circle radius, axis positions of circle target point

N.. F10 G90 : G02 I10 J0 X20 Y0 Z0 : G03 R15 U30 V0 W0

Example 6:

Global: CW circular motions, feed, absolute positions, circle radius (G163)

Path 1: axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: axis positions of circle target point

N.. G02 F10 G90 G163=10 : X20 Y0 Z0 : U20 V0 W0

Example 7:

Global: feed, absolute positions

Path 1: CW circular motions, circle radius (G163), axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: CCW circular motions, circle radius, axis positions of circle target point

N.. F10 G90 : G02 G163=10 X20 Y0 Z0 : G03 R15 U30 V0 W0

Combination of linear/circular motions:

Example 1:

Global: feed, absolute positions

Path 1: linear motion, axis positions

Path 2: CCW circular motions, circle radius, axis positions of circle target point

N.. F10 G90 : G01 X20 Y0 Z0 : G03 R15 U30 V0 W0

Example 2:

Global: feed, absolute positions, CW circular motion, circle radius

Path 1: linear motion, axis positions

Path 2: axis positions of circle target point

N.. F10 G90 G02 R15 : G01 X20 Y0 Z0 : U30 V0 W0

Example 3:

Global: feed, absolute positions, linear motion, axis position of additional axis

Path 1: CW circular motion, circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: linear motion, axis positions

N.. F10 G90 G01 Z1=100 : G02 I10 J0 X20 Y0 Z0 : U30 V0 W0

Example 4:

Global: feed, absolute positions

Path 1: CW circular motion, circle centre points, axis positions of circle target point

Path 2: linear motion, axis positions

N.. F10 G90 : G02 I10 J0 X20 Y0 Z0 : G01 U30 V0 W0