Definition of lower and upper plane
The lower and upper planes for both paths are defined based on the group of commands for the extended programming of coordinate systems with: #CS ADD and #CS SET.
A new CS pair consisting of a lower CS (reference CS) and an upper CS (secondary CS) is defined by additionally specifying translatory and rotary offsets in the corresponding NC commands. In general terms, the syntax for a new CS pair can be represented as follows:
Diagram of 2-path-specific CS programming for lower and upper plane: |
#CS_command [<name>] [<Lower_(reference)_plane_XYZ>] [<Upper_ (secondary)_plane_UVW> ] |
Syntax of Defining and linking CS: |
#CS ADD [<name>] [ <viref.>,<φiref.> ] [ <visec.>,<φisec.> ] |
Syntax of Changing the definition of a CS: |
#CS SET [<name>] [ <viref.>,<φiref.> ] [ <visec.>,<φisec.> ] |
#CS ADD [ICS] [10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0] [10, 10, 25, 0, 0, 0]
#CS SET [WCS] [15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0] [25, 10, 30, 0, 0, 0]
There are 2 options available to define translatory and rotary offsets:
- OPTION 1: Reference and secondary CD both refer relatively to the origin of a previous CS pair
- OPTION 2: Secondary CS refers relatively to the origin of its own reference CS
Option 1 | Option 2 |
Options to define the source reference of the reference and secondary CS
The default setting can be configured with channel parameter P-CHAN-00396. The valid option with the NC command #CS MODE is set in the NC program.
Syntax of Relative mode of the secondaty CS | |
#CS MODE ON [ 2ND_ON_ACTUAL_1ST_PATH ] | Option 2 |
#CS MODE OFF [ 2ND_ON_ACTUAL_1ST_PATH ] | Option 1, initial state |
Programing Example

Definition of reference and secondary CS
If rotations are also involved in the definition, option 1 complicates the description of the secondary CS. For example, an offset of the secondary CS by 10 mm in the Z direction must be programmed as follows:
#CS ADD [PCS][50,50,0,10,5,0] [50.85831, 48.26351, 9.81060,10,5,0]
Alternatively, programming is simplified if the secondary CS is defined relative to its own reference CS as per option 2:
#CS ADD [PCS][50,50,0,10,5,0][0,0,10,0,0,0]

In 2-path programming, tracking with #CS TRACK can only be commanded for the reference CS. The secondary CS is tracked in such a way that relative offsets and rotations remain constant to the new reference CS.
Other wire-specific options that are settable using #CS MODE:
The points of intersection of the eroding wire with the defined coordinate system (penetration points) are calculated using the setting of the channel parameter P-CHAN-00398 (default setting).
The following #CS MODE settings also parameterise the calculation of intersection points for Cartesian forward and backward transformations in the NC program.
Syntax of Settings for intersection point calculation: | |
#CS MODE ON [ INTERSECTION ] | Select calculation of intersection points with X,Y and U,V planes with forward and backward transformation |
#CS MODE OFF [ INTERSECTION ] | Deselect intersection point calculation |
In the default setting at program start, the coordinates of the penetration points supplied by the CNC are represented in the corresponding local XY reference and UV secondary systems. The local coordinates for Z and W are then 0.
For diagnosis purposes, it may be necessary to represent the penetration points globally in the MCS reference system. In this case, Z and W are then global coordinates and unequal to 0.
For this purpose, the display of the penetration point coordinates can be switched between local CS and global MCS using #CS MODE.
Syntax of Display the intersection point coordinates: | |
#CS MODE ON [ DISP_GLOBAL ] | Select/deselect global coordinates |
#CS MODE OFF [ DISP_GLOBAL ] | Select/deselect local coordinates, default setting |