Basic configuration

Parameterising the axis parameters

Since robot applications require no further gear stages, only the gear stage data is assigned the index 0.


getriebe[0].torque 100 (P-AXIS-00798)



The values of each axis must be taken from the data sheet of the robot manufacturer.



The entry for the maximum axis torque (P-AXIS-00798) must be set in all the robot axis lists.

Error ID 120822 is output if the entry for a robot axis is incorrect.



Parameterising a robot with additional function

The required parameterisation takes place in the channel parameter list.

# =======================================================

# Excerpt from the channel parameter list

trafo[0].id   100

trafo[0].type 45


trafo[0].param[0] 0 (tool offset in Z direction)

trafo[0].param[1] 0 (tool offset in X direction)

trafo[0].param[2] 0 (tool offset in Y direction)

trafo[0].param[3] 0 (tool rotation about X'')

trafo[0].param[4] 0 (tool rotation about Y')

trafo[0].param[5] 0 (tool rotation about Z)

(Z offset of zero point of cart. coord. system to link G2)

trafo[0].param[6] 4000000

(Z offset of link G2 to link G3 (length of upper arm))

trafo[0].param[7] 4550000

(X offset of link G3 to link G5 (length of lower arm))

trafo[0].param[8] 4200000

(X offset of link G5 to flange G6)

trafo[0].param[9] 900000

(X offset of zero point of cart. coord. system to link G2)

trafo[0].param[10] 250000

(Z offset of link G3 to link G5)

trafo[0].param[11] -250000

(Rotary offset for zero position of G2)

trafo[0].param[13] 0

(Rotary offset for zero position of G3)

trafo[0].param[14] 0


# Turning direction of axis, 0 math. positive, 1 math. negative

trafo[0].param[20] 1 (C1)

trafo[0].param[21] 0 (B1)

trafo[0].param[22] 0 (B2)

trafo[0].param[23] 1 (A1)

trafo[0].param[24] 0 (B3)

trafo[0].param[25] 1 (A2)

# Activate additional function

limit.kin[0].active  1   (P-CHAN-00464)

limit.kin[0].id      100 (P-CHAN-00830)