
Specific kinematic data must be set in the channel parameters to define a transformation. The example below shows the assignment of data in the kinematic structure for a simple transformation with ID 87:

trafo[0].id                                             87

trafo[0].param[0]                                   300000

trafo[0].param[1]                                        0

trafo[0].param[2]                                        0

Kinematics consisting of different transformation steps (called multi-step transformations), are defined in specific data structures (kin_step[..]).



At present, multi-step transformations may only consist of a maximum of 2 steps (kin_step[0] and kin_step[1]). A maximum of 10 different transformations (trafo[0] to trafo[9] can be configured in every transformation step.

The parameters for the first transformation step must be set in the kinematic structure kin_step[0]. The example below shows the definition of the first kinematic with ID 65.

kin_step[0].trafo[0].id                                  65

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[0]                        500000

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[1]                             0

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[2]                             0


The definition of the first step (kin_step[0].trafo[0]) is fully equivalent to the definition of a simple transformation (trafo[0]). The various steps are created depending on the direction of forward trnasformation.

The parameters for the second transformation step must be set in the kinematic structure kin_step[1]. The example below shows the definition of the a second with ID 51.

kin_step[1].trafo[0].id                                  51

kin_step[1].trafo[0].param[0]                        200000

kin_step[1].trafo[0].param[1]                         50000

kin_step[1].trafo[0].param[2]                             0


In addition, a default kinematic ID can be defined in the channel list. The example below shows the definition of a default ID 87 for a simple transformation:

kinematic_id                                             87

The default kinematic IDs for multi-step transformations must be defined in specific parameters. Here, too, the definition of the first default ID (default_id_of_kin_step[0]) is fuilly equivalent to the definition of a simple default ID (kinematic_id).

The example below shows the definition of a default ID 65 for the first transformation step (steo 0) and the default ID 51 for the second transformation step (step 1).

default_id_of_kin_step[0]                                65

default_id_of_kin_step[1]                                51