Separate preselection and activation

With multi-step transformations, kinematic IDs are preselected by an extended #KIN ID command:


#KIN ID [ <kin_id_first_step> , <kin_id_second_step> ]


Set the kinematic ID number of the first transformation step


Set the kinematic ID number of the second transformation step

The following keywords can also be used instead of kinematic IDs:


Deselect the kinematic ID


Set the default kinematic ID from the channel list



Select(deselect the transformation by using the default command #TRAFO ON/OFF.



Nxx #KIN ID [86,1]     ;Preselect kinematic 86 and 1

Nxx #KIN ID [86,NONE]  ;Preselect kinematic 86 and deselect 1

;..or address only first step to always deselect second step

Nxx #KIN ID [86]       ;Preselect kinematic 86 and deselect 1

Nxx #KIN ID [NONE,3]     ;Deselect kinematic 86 and select 3

Nxx #KIN ID [NONE,NONE]  ;Deselect both kinematics

;..or address only first step to always deselect second step

Nxx #KIN ID [NONE]       ;Deselect both kinematics

Nxx #KIN ID [DEFAULT,1]         ;Preselect default kinematic and 1

Nxx #KIN ID [DEFAULT, DEFAULT]  ;Preselect default kinematics for

                                ;both steps

Nxx #KIN ID                     ;Preselect default kinematics for

                                ;both steps


Nxx #TRAFO ON  ;Activate kinematic transformation as per preselection

               ;causes errors if both kinematics are NONE


Nxx #TRAFO OFF ;Deactivate kinematic transformations