Operating mode of an axis (P-AXIS-00015)
P-AXIS-00015 | Axis mode | |
Description | Axes can be traversed in different operating modes. | |
Parameter | kenngr.achs_mode | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0x00000001 - 0x10000000 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0x00000001 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks |
The following operation modes can be parameterised(1):
Value | Meaning | Axis type | Interpolator type | ||
| Description | ACHSMODE_ |
| Path | Spindle |
0x00000001 | The axis is operated as a linear axis; no modulo calculation is executed in the channel. For example, rotary axis with restricted motion range; must be set as default for linear axes. | ..LINEAR(1) | T, R | X |
0x00000004 | A modulo calculation always takes place after the destination position has been reached. Regardless of the operation mode selected for rotary axes, a modulo calculation is always executed in the position controller. In this way, modulo circle compensation can be executed if required. | ..MODULO(1) | R | X | X |
0x00000040 | Axis is used as a face turning axis (turning functions). | ..PLANDREHEN | T | X |
0x00000080 | Axis is used as a longitudinal turning axis (turning functions). | ..LAENGSDREHEN | T | X |
0x00000100 | For a spindle an automatic homing before positioning the spindle can be pre-vented. This is only relevant if the axis is not referenced. The function is drive-dependent. | ..KEINE_AUTO_RPF | R |
| X |
0x00000200 | Axis for kinematic 'C axis' transformation. | ..CAX | R | X | X |
0x00000400 | Modulo calculation for linear axis. (Example: conveyor belt with drive motor where the position on the belt is programmed in mm). | ..MODULO_LINEAR | R | X |
0x00000800 | Axis is released for mechanical blocking by the PLC. This axis mode is not available for TwinCAT systems. | ..CLAMPABLE | T, R | X |
0x00001000 | Axis carries a rotary workpiece table. | ..ROT_TABLE | T, R | X |
0x00008000 | Monitoring of axis collision. | ..COLL_CHECK | T | X |
0x00010000 | Master axis of gantry coupling. | ..GANTRY_MASTER | T, R | X |
0x00020000 | Slave axis of gantry coupling. | ..GANTRY_SLAVE | T, R | X |
0x00040000 | Identifier for PLC spindle with axis interface | ..SPINDLE_EXT_CTRL | R |
| X |
0x00080000 | Input axis for additional external position command values (e.g. distance control). | ..EXT_CTRL_INPUT | T | X |
0x00100000 | Pure encoder axis, only to display actual values (e.g. conveyor belt). | ..COUNTER | T, R | X | X |
0x00200000 | Lead axis in combination with single feed axis and G194 (contouring with DIST_MASTER) | ..LEAD_AXIS | T, R | X |
0x00400000 | The resolution (wegaufz/wegaufn) of this axis can be changed. | ..ALLOW_RESOLUTION_ | T, R | X | X |
0x00800000 | Path-dependent dynamic weighting for this axis is possible. | ..DYNAMIC_WEIGHTING | T, R | X |
0x02000000 | Path axis for tool centre point path | ..PATH_LENGTH_TCP | R | X |
0x04000000 | Path axis for contour path | ..PATH_LENGTH_ | R | X |
0x08000000 | Virtual lead axis for path interpolation | ..VIRT_LEAD_AXIS | R | X |
0x10000000 | Axis carries the pressure roller for edge bending. | ..LAH_OFFSET_AXIS | R | X |

(1) One of the two following axis modes must always be specified:
All other bits of the parameter achs_mode are additional specifications. For example, the ACHSMODE_MODULO_LINEAR bit is only useful if combined with the ACHSMODE_MODULO bit.

(2) Changing certain axis parameters while the controller is running may be critical, e.g. path resolution. Therefore, this parameter can be enabled by setting the bit ALLOW_RESOLUTION_CHANGE in axis mode. Otherwise these parameters (P-AXIS-00234, P-AXIS-00233) can no longer be changed after the controller is started.
When the bit ALLOW_RESOLUTION_CHANGE is set, a check is first made whether the axis is interpolated, also when other critical parameters change. If the axis is currently in motion, this parameter update is rejected.