Delayed activation of zero pulse logic (P-AXIS-00494)


Delayed activation of zero pulse logic


For CNC-controlled homing (see P-AXIS-00299) the parameter delays the activation of the zero pulse logic after the actuation of the reference switch. This can be useful if the reference cam and the zero pulse are situated closely together and the detection of the zero pulse is therefore not reliably possible. In this case the next or the next but one zero pulse after the reference cam could be detected depending on the actuation speed of the reference cam.



Data type


Data range

0 ≤ shift_offset_zero_pulse_activation ≤ MAX_UNS32

Axis types

T, R, S


T: 0.1 µm

R,S: 0.0001 °

Default value


drive types.

Conventional, SERCOS, Terminal, Lightbus, Profidrive, CANopen



Detection of different zero impulse positions possible
Detection of different zero impulse positions possible

In this case a shift of the activation point for the zero pulse logic ensures that the equal zero pulse is always detected:

Reliable detection of identical zero impulse positions
Reliable detection of identical zero impulse positions

The position offset between operating the reference cam and detecting the zero pulse can be read out after homing using the CNC object 'reference cam - zero pulse offset'.