Old probing signal parameters (up to CNC Build V2.11.2019.14)
To supply the probing signals, one of the following measurement methods can be defined.
- a signal of a probe is read in via the hardware interface of the NC kernel (conventional method),
- the SERCOS interface outputs a message when the probe signal arrives,
- a bit of the axis-specific control bit mask of the position controller is set,
- a probe signal is read in via a special HLI control unit,
- an internal probing signal is generated if the specified position lag limit is exceeded (fixed stop)..

If a measurement method is selected, all other measurement methods must be deselected!
Additional information
- Measurement signal from hardware interface (P-AXIS-00117)
- Pulse edge (P-AXIS-00113)
- Measurement with SERCOS drives (P-AXIS-00116)
- Measurement signal via axis-specific control bit mask (P-AXIS-00115)
- Measurement signal via HLI Control Unit (P-AXIS-00257)
- Measurement signal from drive (P-AXIS-00269)
- Measurement with movement to a fixed stop (P-AXIS-00330)