Name of D/A-hardware (P-AXIS-00049)
P-AXIS-00049 | Name of D/A-hardware | |
Description | The parameter defines the name of the D/A hardware. | |
Parameter | lr_hw[i].da_hw_id_string | |
Data type | STRING | |
Data range | Maximum 16 characters | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | ISG_8ACHS | |
Drive types | Conventional, Terminal, Lightbus, Profidrive | |
Remarks | These entries are not taken over when the axis parameters list is updated. Updates only become effective when the controller is rebooted. The declared string for the hardware name must correspond to the entry of the hardware name of a specific I/O card (hardware unit) in the hardware configuration list (entry: device[i].name in hwconf.lis [HWCF]). Otherwise during initialisation, the position controller reports an error because it cannot detect ‘its’ hardware. |