Calculation mode for actual position (P-AXIS-00318)
P-AXIS-00318 | Calculation mode for actual position (PROFIDRIVE) | |
Description | If parameter P-AXIS-00315 is set to 1, this parameter (P-AXIS-00318) must specify the calculation mode for the actual position. There are two modes for this. | |
Parameter | antr.profibus.read_abs_pos_mode | |
Data type | STRING | |
Data range | DRIVE_POS: The absolute position transferred from the drive is used as actual position. If necessary a format conversion is made. (Default). COMBINED: Bits 31 ... p1042 are taken from the drives actual position, bits 0 … p1042 -1 are taken from the position value in G1_XIST1. See the figure below. | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | DRIVE_POS | |
Drive types | Profidrive | |
Remarks | Calculation mode COMBINED may only be used if the motor encoder delivers an absolute position within one motor revolution. This property of the encoder can be determined with the value of drive parameter P979 subindex 1. If bit 1 (bit mask 0x02) is set the encoder delivers an absolute position within one motor revolution. If applicable, consult the manufacturer's documentation. |