Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions (P-STUP-00061)
P-STUP-00061 | Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions |
Description | This parameter permits the configuration of the look-ahead range for the pre-output of M functions (see [FCT-C1]). |
Parameter |[i].path_preparation.m_pre_output_lookahead |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 … 1000 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 10 |
Remarks | Without an explicit setting, the range is limited by default to 10 NC blocks. This number of blocks may be insufficient for a pre-output of the M function at the desired position if the motion blocks are too short or too many control commands are programmed without any motion. In this case, the M function is pre-output to the maximum known path position and a warning is output. Parameterisation example:[0].path_preparation.function FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_M_PRE_OUTPUT[0].path_preparation.m_pre_output_lookahead 15 |
Programing Example

Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions
N01 G00 G90 X0 Y0
N02 G01 F10000
N01 V.G.M_FCT[100].PRE_OUTP_PATH = 28.6 ; in mm
N20 G91 Y1
N21 Y1 ; -> planned M output at Y1.4 mm
N22 Y1
N23 Y1
N39 Y1
; -> real M output due to limitation of the number of blocks
N40 Y1
N41 Y1
N42 Y1
N43 Y1
N44 Y1
N45 Y1
N46 Y1
N47 Y1
N48 Y1
N49 Y1
N50 M100 M26
N99 M30


The look-ahead range causes a delay at program start. As a result, only select the number of blocks that are absolutely necessary.