Parameters for the Job Manager (jobmanager.*)
The parameters for the Job Manager are divided into two main structures:
- jobmanager.coding[] → Links to the declaration of data transferred to the PLC (data is transferred in binary form to the PLC) and
-[] → Configuration of the Job Manager with independent logical groups and their clients (masters) and agents (slaves)
Note: If the[] is not declared, the Job Manager function is deactivated. Remarks in each of the parameters describe an alternative deactivation of the Job Manager functions.
Additional information
- Log. ID of a client in Job Manager group (P-STUP-00206)
- Client channel in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00207)
- Log. ID of a channel agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00208)
- Channel agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00209)
- Log. ID of a PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00210)
- PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00211)
- Param.list of a PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00212)