Log. ID of a client in Job Manager group (P-STUP-00206)
P-STUP-00206 | Logical ID of a client channel in a Job Manager group |
Description | The parameter defines the logical ID of a client channel. This logical ID can be requested in the channel agent by V.G.IP_NR. Due to the necessary uniqueness, no second client channel may use the same logical ID in the same Job Manager group. |
Parameter | jobmanager.group[i].master[j].log_id |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 1 … 65536 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | IMPORTANT: If the agent is not called by a client, the call of "V.G.IP_NR" returns the "log_id" of the agent. |