Without synchronisation MOS_TS
N10 G01 X25 G90 F5000
N20 X50
N30 M25 (M25 MOS_TS)
N40 X100
N50 X200


The PLC interface must be cyclically read for the correct entry of the time offset. Only this ensures the exact output of following M functions of type MOS_TS and a correct assignment within the time-based process.

The sampling time offset, calculated by the CNC, is not passed to the HLI if the synchronisation type MOS_TS is used in axis-specific M function programming (see example).
N10 G01 X25 G90 F5000
N20 X50
N30 X[M25] → axis-specific output M25 (MOS_TS)
N40 X100
N50 X200