Synchronisation types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS
Synchronisation types with synchronisation before block with time or path-related pre-output. The associated pre-output values are set in P-CHAN-00070 (m_pre_outp[i]):
N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 X40
N50 M96 (M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 250000)
(or MET_MOS m_pre_outp = 300000µs)
N55 X80
N60 X0


If several M functions of this synchronisation type are programmed overlapped in relation to their effective ranges and positions in the NC program, the first programmed M function in the NC block sequence defines the earliest time of output for all following M functions (see examples below).
This may cause an offset or change in order of the output times. Therefore, avoid range overlaps as far as possible.

Please note with MET_SVS codes that the pre-output time is planned due to the required synchronisation with path motions based on a feed profile with end velocity 0. As a result, there may be deviations between the planned and the actual motion times up to the M code (block limit). This is shown in the figure below.

Programing Example

Range overlap and output with MEP_SVS, MET_SVS
M functions in different NC blocks, range overlap causes changed output times:
(M95 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 50000)
(M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 250000)

M functions in the same NC block, range overlap has no effect on output times:
(M95 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 50000)
(M96 MEP_SVS m_pre_outp = 250000)