Synchronisation types MET_MOS, MEP_MOS
Synchronisation types without synchronisation with time or path-related pre-output. The associated pre-output values are set in P-CHAN-00070 (m_pre_outp[i]):
N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 X40
N50 M96 (M96 MEP_MOS m_pre_outp = 250000)
(or MET_MOS m_pre_outp = 300000µs)
N55 X80
N60 X0


MEP_MOS and MET_MOS require no acknowledgement; they must still be deleted in the PLC.
The same constraints apply to overlap programming as for synchronisation types MEP_SVS and MET_SVS.
Synchronisation types MOS, MOS_TS, MVS_SVS, MVS_SNS, MNS_SNS in combination with the 'microjoints' function
See Pre-output of M functions (MicroJoint)

Use of this function requires a license for the “Cutting” option. It is not included in the scope of the standard license.
In addition, a path-related pre-output can be specified for synchronisation types MOS, MOS_TS, MVS_SVS, MVS_SNS and MNS_SNS. This path can be defined in the channel parameter list or in the NC program.
In this case the the M function is output by the specified distance relative to the current block start. M functions brought forward are then treated as if they were programmed without any motion.
With synchronisation types MVS_SVS, MVS_SNS and MNS_SNS an acknowledgement is also expected at this point (MOS and MOS_TS require no acknowledgement but they must still be deleted in the PLC).
With synchronisation type MCS_SNS: if it is necessary to split blocks due to the pre-output since the pre-output fails to occur at an existing block limit, the split block is synchronised at the end and not at the output point.
Programing Example

N01 V.G.M_FCT[11].PRE_OUTP_PATH = 25 (* in [mm] *)
N02 V.G.M_FCT[11].SYNCH = 2 (* MVS_SVS *)
N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 X40
N50 M11 X80 (M11 as MVS_SVS m_pre_outp = 250000, X40 -25 = X15)
N60 X0
The above example has the same effect as the following programming of M11 without a pre-output:
N01 V.G.M_FCT[11].PRE_OUTP_PATH = 0 (* in [mm] *)
N02 V.G.M_FCT[11].SYNCH = 2 (* MVS_SVS *)
N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20 X15
N20 M11 (M11 output as MVS_SVS)
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 X40
N50 X80
N60 X0

Release Note

This functionality is available as of Build V2.10.1507.05.
The single NC channel is enabled by P-CHAN-00600 (alternatively P-STUP-00060).
configuration.path_preparation.function FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_M_PRE_OUTPUT ( P-CHAN-00600 )