Residual path/time calculation with M/H pre-output (P-CHAN-00212)
P-CHAN-00212 | Activate residual path/time calculation with M/H code look ahead |
Description | This parameter activates the calculation and provision of residual path or time for the M/H synchronisation types MEP_SVS and MET_SVS. If the parameter is set to 1, the residual path or time is calculated after output of all M functions of synchronisation types MEP_SVS and MET_SVS relative to the synchronisation point. CNC objects* support access to the values. The look-ahead function waits until the current active synchronisation point is crossed before it changes to the next synchronisation point. |
Parameter | m_h_pre_outp_calc_value_to_go |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: No calculation of residual path or time. As soon as all M functions of one synchronisation point are output, the function changes to the next synchronisation point (default). 1: M code look ahead with calculation of residual path or time. The function only changes to the next synchronisation point after the current active synchronisation point is crossed. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | * Accesses to CNC objects: Path to synchronisation point: [0.1 µm] Index Group: 0x21301 Offset: 0x27 Time to synchronisation point: [1 µs] Index Group: 0x21301 Offset: 0x28 |
Programing Example

N10 G01 X10 G90 F5000
N20 X20
N30 X30
N40 X40
N45 M96
N50 X80
N60 X0
N70 M30