Programmed measurement signal (P-CHAN-00257)
P-CHAN-00257 | Switch over measurement logic to a programmed measuring signal for edge bending |
Description | Typically, the measurement signal for the CNC is routed either via the drive bus or is set by the PLC via the HLI interface. When the channel parameter P-CHAN-00257 is set to 1, as an alternative you can switch over to a 'programmed measurement trigger signal' that is active in the path interpolator. The measurement trigger signal is then triggered by the NC command #MEAS [TRIGGER] within the G108/G107 range. Activation of the measurement logic in the drive and the response to the measurement signals from the drive or the PLC are then deactivated. |
Parameter | kasto_prog_meas_trigger |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0/1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | It only makes sense to use this parameter if P-CHAN-00029 (kasto_multi_block) is assigned FALSE. Parameterisation example: kasto_prog_meas_trigger 1 |

Programing Example

Switch over measurement logic to a programmed measurement signal for edge banding
N10 V.G.RW= 20 ;Residual path after measuring signal 20mm
N20 G00 G90 X0 Y0
N30 G01 X50 F5000
N40 G108 F2500 ;Activate edge banding function
N50 G01 G90 X100 Y100 M33 ;M function 33 of type MNE_SNS
N60 #MEAS [TRIGGER] ;Execute measurement signal at current position
N70 X150 Y150
N80 X200 Y200
N90 G107 ;Deselect edge banding