Sampling of override (P-CHAN-00065)
P-CHAN-00065 | Override scanning |
Description | To avoid exciting oscillations in the machine, the override value is only adopted after the first change to calculate a new velocity. This may also occur in the same cycle. The next value is only adopted after the time expires in the parameter. This avoids excitations in the machine caused by an override change. |
Parameter | override_delay |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 10 * cycle time < override_delay < 100 s |
Dimension | µs |
Default value | 10 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: The delay time for override scanning is set to 50 ms. override_delay 50000 The smallest value that can be set in override_delay is 10 * cycle time. If a smaller value is set for P-CHAN-00065, the value is corrected to the minimum value. |