Spindle name within a path compound (P-CHAN-00010)
P-CHAN-00010 | Spindle name within a path compound |
Description | If a spindle axis is changed with specific machining modes (e.g. C axis mode) in the path compound, it can be addressed by this default name (e.g. C1). |
Parameter | default_ax_name_of_spindle |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | Maximum 16 characters (length of spindle designation, application-specific) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | * |
Remarks | The designation of spindles in the path compound must start with the letters A, B, C, U, V, W, X, Y, Z or Q. After that, all letters and digits are possible. The axis designation must be unique. It may not be identical with the configured name of a channel axis (P-CHAN-00006). Parameterisation example: The C axis receives the designation C1. default_ax_name_of_spindle C1 * Note: The default value of variables is a blank string. |