Spindle name (P-CHAN-00007)
P-CHAN-00007 | Name of a spindle in the NC channel |
Description | This parameter defines the default name to address the spindle in the NC program. Please note that as long as a spindle is the main spindle, it can only be programmed using the main spindle name. The spindle name is a string. |
Parameter | spindel[i].bezeichnung |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | Maximum 16 characters (length of spindle designation, application-specific) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | * |
Remarks | The spindle names must start with the letter ‘S’. After that, all letters and digits are possible. Spindle names must be unique. Parameterisation example: Configuration of a 1-channel system with 3 spindles. After start-up, spindle 'S1' with logical axis number 6 is the main spindle. It is addressed by the spindle name 'S'. The spindles with logical axis numbers 11 and 30 are programmed by their default names 'S2' and 'S3'. spdl_anzahl 3 : main_spindle_ax_nr 6-> -> ->- main_spindle_name S ->- / # / / spindel[0].bezeichnung S1-<- / spindel[0].log_achs_nr 6-< -< -<- : spindel[1].bezeichnung S2 spindel[1].log_achs_nr 11 : spindel[2].bezeichnung S3 spindel[2].log_achs_nr 30 * Note: The default value of variables is a blank string. |