Acceleration profile (P-CHAN-00071)
P-CHAN-00071 | Default acceleration profile at program start |
Description | Default value for the selected acceleration profile type with path movements and oscillating axis movements. |
Parameter | prog_start.slope.profile |
Data type | SGN16 |
Data range | 0: Step-shaped acceleration profile (default) 1: Trapezoidal acceleration profile 2: Sine-square acceleration profile 3: Trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile (across blocks) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | The acceleration profile and the associated acceleration and ramp time weighting can be programmed in the NC program with the #SLOPE [TYPE..] command [PROG]. The maximum of the weighted ramp times P-AXIS-00195 is always effective with the trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile. P-AXIS-00198. For every independent axis, the acceleration profile can also be programmed specifically in the NC command with the key word SLOPE_TYPE [PROG]. |