Weighting the speed limit via override (P-CHAN-00155)
P-CHAN-00155 | Weighting the speed limit via override for Speed limit Look Ahead function |
Description | This parameter controls the influence of the speed limit via the real-time feed override. In the default setting, the real-time feed override does not influence the speed limit P-CHAN-00089 (v_limit). However, if this is desirable e.g. to commission or enter contours, the parameter is set to 1. Then the parametrised speed limit value is weighted by the override value. Note that at a non-constant programmed feed, the SLD signal is activated in each acceleration phase because the speed limit at the start of the block is set to the new value. |
Parameter | speed_limit_look_ahead.override_weight_v_limit |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: No weighting of P-CHAN-00089 (default). 1: Weighting of P-CHAN-00089 via override. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | f_override_weight_v_limit (old syntax up to V2.11.2022.13) |