Channel synchronisation on axis exchange (P-CHAN-00154)
P-CHAN-00154 | Axis exchange with implicit channel synchronisation (FLUSH CONTINUE) |
Description | This parameter offers the possibility of triggering an implicit FLUSH WAIT for axis exchange commands #CALL AX, #AX REQUEST, #SET AX and #AX DEF. An implicit FLUSH CONTINUE is triggered with axis exchange commands #PUT AX and #AX RELEASE. This can avoid jamming between NC channels with axis exchange operations. |
Parameter | ax_exchange_with_implicit_flush |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: Default execution of all axis exchange commands according to the programming manual (default). 1: Output of an implicit FLUSH WAIT with axis exchange commands #CALL AX, #AX REQUEST, #SET AX and #AX DEF. An implicit FLUSH CONTINUE is triggered with axis exchange commands #PUT AX and #AX RELEASE. FLUSH WAIT and FLUSH CONTINUE are generated before the actual axis exchange sequence. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |