An instance of the MCV_HliInterface must be definitely invoked by every PLC application for whose system this FB was implemented and which wants to access the HLI elements.
The NC kernel requests information about the HLI configuration (number of channels, number of axes, etc.) on a rising edge at the “Start” input and compares the HLI configuration with the PLC configuration. If differences occur, the “Error” output is set to TRUE and an error message identifier is output at the “ErrorID” output. On the other hand, if the attributes of the HLI are identical on both sides, the “Initialised” output is set to TRUE and the PLC application can access the relevant areas of the HLI via the global defined pointers (see: Global pointers to HLI areas) (see PLC main program frame).
As of CNC Builds V3.01.3000

Variable name | Data type | Description |
Initialised | BOOL | Check was terminated successfully and only now may there be access to the HLI. |
PlcHli | HLI_SHAPE | Information regarding the HLI configuration on the PLC side. The data structure contains the number of main areas of the HLI and the version identifier of the HLI definitions. |
CncHli | HLI_SHAPE | Contains the HLI configuration on the NC kernel side. |
Error | BOOL | Is TRUE if an error occurs in the FB. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error identifier. |
(* used in the PLC code:*)
for CNC Builds V2.11.28xx
Block diagram

Variable name | Data type | Description |
Start | BOOL | Rising edge triggers a check whether the HLI definition on the PLC side is the same as on the NC kernel side. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Busy | BOOL | Request and checking process are still active. |
Initialised | BOOL | Check was terminated successfully and only now may there be access to the HLI. |
Error | BOOL | Is TRUE if an error occurs in the FB. |
ErrorID | UDINT | Error identifier. |
ExpectedHli | HLI_DIAGNOSTIC | Information regarding the HLI configuration on the PLC side. The data structure contains the number of main areas of the HLI and the version identifier of the HLI definitions. |
ActualHli | HLI_DIAGNOSTIC | Contains the HLI configuration on the NC kernel side. |
(* used in the PLC code:*)
Hli(Start := TRUE);