This FB signals the output of a spindle technology function. It is acknowledged by the PLC provided it is a technology function that was parameterised in the channel parameter list as an axis-specific output function.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Axis | AXIS_REF | Axis reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Nr | UINT | The number of the spindle technology function handled by the function block is defined via the input. |
Ack | BOOL | The spindle technology function is acknowledged on the rising edge. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Active | BOOL | The output indicates the value TRUE when the technology function was output to the PLC. The output remains TRUE until a rising edge is applied to the “Ack” input. |
SyncMode | DWORD | Synchronisation type of a spindle technology function. This is the value used to define the synchronisation type of the S technology function in the channel parameter list in the parameter P-CHAN-00081. |
Pos | DINT | The target position for a position-controlled spindle commanded by the NC command POS when M19 is programmed. See [PROG//Positioning a spindle]. Default unit [0.1 µm] |
Rev | DINT | The speed of a spindle commanded by the NC command REV when M3/M4/M5/M19 are programmed. See [PROG//Moving a spindle] and [PROG//Positioning a spindle]. Default unit [10-3 °/s] |
ProcTime | UDINT | Time specifying the duration of a spindle S or spindle M technology function. These specifications are used in conjunction with production time calculations. The user specified the value for each technology function in the channel parameter lists (see P-CHAN-00042, P-CHAN-00044, P-CHAN-00046, P-CHAN-00048, P-CHAN-00080). Default unit [1 µs] |
MoveCmd | UINT | Number of the M technology function when M3/M4/M5 was commanded in conjunction with a spindle. |
PosCmd | UINT | The number 19 when M19 was commanded to position a spindle in an NC block. |
LogAxNr | UINT | Logical axis number of the spindle. This corresponds to the axis parameter P-AXIS-00016, |
Error | BOOL | Is TRUE if an error occurs in the FB. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |