Slave positions outside the modulo range
If the gear ratio between the master and slave is to be very large, it may be necessary to define slave positions that lie outside the modulo range.
This is why slave positions outside the modulo range are not transformed into it, but are used without change as an interpolation point.
The following figure shows such a table and the profile thus run through.
Programing Example

Table with large transformation, endless negative
Tablename = extremetable4 # Table name
Table-ID = 414 # Table-ID
Tabletype = 7 # Table type
Function type = 5 # Interpolation type
Lines = 8 # Number of lines
Begintable # Beginning of table
0 0
200000 0
900000 -500000
1800000 -10000000
2100000 -16000000
2700000 -12000000
3200000 -19000000
3400000 -20000000