Access to cam tables
PLCopen requires provision of a structure with the name MC_CAM_REF, which must be passed on as an input parameter to the PLCopen FB MC_CamTableSelect. If the call is successful, the PLCopen FB MC_CamTableSelect returns a so-called MC_CAM_ID, which is also defined in PLCopen.
As defined by PLCopen, both MC_CAM_REF and MC_CAM_ID are manufacturer-specific. Both data types contain the identifier of the cam table. The MC_CAM_REF data structure also contains the name of the file created in the cam table.
Function blocks exist to edit tables for Multiprog running under KW-Software and CoDeSys from 3S. However, edited tables cannot be saved.
The "tab_ldr.lis" file is interpreted during startup. It contains the file names of the CAM tables to be loaded. All (*.tab) table files, which must also be in the list directory of the ISG-MCE, are interpreted and are loaded into the table memory.
The following figure elucidates this: