This FB is used to obtain the current motions states of an axis. It is assigned to the group of administrative FBs.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Axis | AXIS_REF | Axis reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | If the value is TRUE, the axis state data is indicated continuously. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Valid | BOOL | TRUE if valid values are available. |
Error | BOOL | Indicates whether an error has occurred in an FB. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error identifier |
ConstantVelocity | BOOL | The drive has achieved rotational speed. |
RevZero | BOOL | Drive stationary, rotational speed = 0. |
InWindow | BOOL | Axis is within the control window at the target position |
InPosition | BOOL | The axis is in position. |
IsMoving | BOOL | The axis moves, i.e. a command value is generated for this axis for the current interpolation. Please find further information in the HLI documentation under is_moving_r. |
LrCommandedPos | LREAL | Target position of the axis, default unit [0.1 µm] |
LrSetPos | LREAL | Command position of the axis, Default unit [0.1 µm] |
LrActualPos | LREAL | Actual position of the axis, default unit [0.1 µm] |
LrCommandedRev | LREAL | Programmed speed of a single axis (SAI), default unit [10-3 °/s] |
LrSetRev | LREAL | Command rotational speed of the axis, default unit [10-3 °/ s] |
LrActualRev | LREAL | Actual rotational speed of the axis, default unit [10-3 °/ s] |
LrActualAccel | LREAL | Actual acceleration of the axis, default unit [1°/s2] |
LrSetAccel | LREAL | Command acceleration of the axis, default unit [1°/s2] |
IpoCommandedPos | LREAL | Target position of a single axis (SAI), default unit [10-4 °] |
IpoSetPos | LREAL | Command position of a single axis (SAI), default unit [10-4 °] |
IpoDistToGo | LREAL | Distance to go of a single axis (SAI), default unit [10-4 °] |
IpoSetVel | LREAL | Command velocity of a single axis (SAI), default unit [10-3°/ s] |
IpoSetAccel | LREAL | Command acceleration of a single axis (SAI), default unit [1°/s2] |
Behaviour of the FB:
- The information of an axis is updated cyclically as long as “Enable” has the value TRUE.