The MC_GearOut FB releases coupling of the slave axis to the master axis that has been specified via a gear ratio. The current velocity of the slave is retained (endless motion).

Parameters of the FB
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Slave | AXIS_REF | Axis reference of the slave axis |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | Starts disengaging the velocity coupling on the rising edge. |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | The velocity coupling of the slave axis is disengaged. |
Error | BOOL | Is TRUE when an error occurs in the FB. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code. |
Behaviour of the FB
- Cancellation of gear coupling is commanded only when the axis is in the Synchronized Motion state. If this is not the case, the "Error" output is set to FALSE and "ErrorID" indicates an error value that designates the state the axis is currently in.
- Mention is made here once again of the (idiosyncratic) definition of the PLCopen standard to the effect that the commanded slave axis remains at its momentary speed after cancellation of coupling. Therefore, it does not necessarily stop.
- The function block is retriggerable, i.e. it can send a command when it is in the active state.