PLC library “McpPLCopenP1” – ISG extensions
The function blocks described in this chapter provide additional functions to the standard PLCopen function blocks. They are also contained in the library where the PLCopen function blocks “Function blocks for motion control” are located.
Additional information
- Overview of the additional ISG function blocks (FB)
- MCV_P1_Platform
- MCV_Axis
- MCV_CamSwitch
- MCV_TorqueLimit
- MCV_RmvPlug
- MCV_SetFollowUp
- MCV_SetDriveMode
- MCV_SetTorqueValue
- MCV_PosLagMonitor
- MCV_Home
- MCV_DisableFeedbackMon
- MCV_ChgParamSet
- MCV_ReqParamSetId
- MCV_ChgParamValue
- MCV_ActivateParamChg
- MCV_SaveParamChg
- MCV_ReadParamValue
- MCV_DiscardParamChg
- MCV_UnHome
- MCV_DeactivateAxis
- MCV_Decouple
- MCV_Couple
- MCV_ConveyorControl
- MCV_SetReducedFilter
- MCV_SuppressSoftLimSw
- MCV_TorqueFreeStop
- MCV_InitPosition