Transition mode: TMConstantVelocity
This type of transition mode generates the transition curve so that the path is moved at a constant specified velocity. The velocity is then defined by the percentage weighting of TPVelocity to the velocity which was commanded by the previous function block. I.e., when TPVelocity has a value of 50%, the transition curve is moved at half the velocity at which the motion of the function block immediately before the last function block was executed.
Due to the curvature of the transition curve and the maximum permitted acceleration of the axes involved in the motion, it may happen that the specified velocity is not reached.
The graphic below shows the transition curve when mcBuffered is transferred at the “BufferMode“ input.

Weighting takes place using the parameters listed in the table.
Transition parameters | Description |
TransitionParameter[0] | Velocity at which the machine moves over the transition curve. It is specified as the weighting factor relating to the velocity of the previous motion job. |