The FB MC_GrpSetOverride specifies a weighting factor which acts on the programmed path velocity of the specified axis group.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Enable | BOOL | If TRUE, the value at the “VelFactor“ input is applied to the programmed velocity. |
VelFactor | LREAL | Weighting factor for the programmed path velocity Range [0.0 P-CHAN-00056 / 1000]. See Note 1 |
VelFactorMaxShift | LREAL | Maximum change of the weighting factor. Value range [0.0 to P-CHAN-00056 / 1000] See Note 2 |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Enabled | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the velocity weighting factor is applied to the programmed path velocity. |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |
Behaviour of the FB:
- Under no circumstance does the FB change the axes group state. This means that the value 0.0 for “VelFactor” leads to a stop of the axes in the axis group but the state of the axis group does not change after “GroupStop”.
- The value at “VelFactor” retains its validity until a new value is set. Accordingly, if the “Enable” input is set to FALSE, the weighting factor which was last TRUE at “Enable” continues to be valid.
Value range and determination of the “VelFactor” input
- The default value of the “VelFactor” input is 1.0.
- P-CHAN-00056 is the maximum permitted override value. Assuming that the maximum allowed override value in an application may not exceed 100%, the parameter P-CHAN-00056 is assigned the value 1000 since the unit 0.1% is specified for this parameter. Therefore, the range for the ‘VelFactor’ is [0.0 to 1.0].
- If the value at the "VelFactor" input is greater than P-CHAN-00056/1000, the value is limited to P-CHAN-00056/1000 (typical upper limit value is 200%).

No message is output if an excessive “VelFactor” value is set.
The value is limited to P-CHAN-00056/1000.
Value range and determination of the “VelFactorMaxShift” input
- The “VelFactorMaxShift“ input is defaulted to the value 1.0.
- If the value at the “VelFactor” input changes, the current effective velocity factor sent to the motion controller is increased or decreased by the maximum value at the “VelFactorMaxShift” input each time the function block is invoked.
- The weighting factor sent to the motion controller is increased or decreased until the same velocity weighting factor as specified at the “VelFactor” input acts on the motion controller. To achieve this, the function block must be invoked at least until its “Enabled” output indicates TRUE again after a change occurs at the “VelFactor” input.