Meaning of the “PathChoice“ input
Based on a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system where two coordinate axes are positioned in the plane of the circular path, a “counter clockwise” motion on the circular path corresponds to the mathematical positive direction of rotation.
This equates to the “right-hand rule”: The right hand comprises the 3rd main axis with the thumb pointing in the direction of the positive 3rd main axis; the curvature of the fingers representing the 3rd main axis corresponds to the positive direction of rotation.
The values defined in the table below can be specified in the FB at the “PathChoice“ input to determine the motion on the circular path.
Values for the “PathChoice” input with MC_MoveCircAbs
Constant | Value | Description |
mcClockwise | 0 | Passing the circular path in the clockwise direction |
mcCounterClockwise | 1 | Passing the circular path in the counter clockwise direction |