The function block commands a motion by specifying an absolute target position. No path motion is interpolated here but every axis moves at the maximum possible velocity.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | The interpolated motion of the axes starts on a rising edge corresponding to the specified absolute positions. |
Position | ARRAY [0..HLI_CH_AX_MAXIDX] OF LREAL | Array of absolute end positions in the current coordinate system. Default unit [0.1 µm] |
CoordSystem | MC_COORDINATE_SYSTEM | Defines the coordinate system of the absolute positions: mcACS = 0 (axis coordinate system) mcPCS = 2 (programming coordinate system) |
BufferMode | MC_BUFFER_MODE | The input defines when a job is activated provided that other jobs are already active when the FB is commanded or are waiting for execution. It also defines the path generated at the transition between 2 jobs. The following values are possible: mcAborting = 0 mcBuffered = 1 mcBlendingPrev = 3 |
TransitionMode | UDINT | 0: TMNone (no transition motion is inserted, default setting) 2: TMConstantVelocity 3: TMCornerDistance 4: TMMaxCornerDeviation 10: TMConstDeviation 11: TMIntermediatePoint 12: TMDynamicOptimized |
TransitionParameter | MCV_ARRAY_TRANS_PARAM | See Section Path blending and transition modes |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the moved axes reached their end position. The signal is activated as soon as the axes are located within the window around the target position defined by the related axis parameter getriebe[...].window (P-AXIS-00236). |
Busy | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the function block is executing a job. |
Active | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the function block sent the command to the MC. |
CommandAborted | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the currently active command sent by the FB was aborted by another command. |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |
JobID | UDINT | Ordinal number of the last job sent by the FB. |