Procedure with active "Block search by visu input" and deactivated "auto return"
NC program is started in the block search and "auto return" is parameterised as deactivated

If axes are moved after an NC program abort, ensure in deactivated "auto return" that the axes
1. are either located at the position (continue position) in the block search before start of the NC program. The continue position is specified by other block search parameters
2. or the value for the"deviation" is selected so that the current axis actual position results in a deviation from the set position which is less than the parameterised "deviation".
If this is not the case, the error message 50474 – "Deviation of path after manual continue in the block search too large"(P-ERR-50474) is output.

The block search parameter specified by the user is calculated in the NC kernel after the block search. It is then processed in the NC program and the axes are then actually moved.
If this position is different from the real position resulting from the position of the machine axes, it means that the NC program moves the axes on the tool path with the corresponding offset at block search end.
The block search parameter "deviation" can define whether a deviation is permitted and the maximum amount it may assume. It must therefore be considered that, to permit the NC program to process with the existing offset after block search, it must be less than the parameterised "deviation".

When "auto return” is deactivated, Start 2 does not execute the approach to the path (continue position). Instead the NC program is executed and the axes move – this therefore corresponds to Start 3.