AddFunctionality visualisation
The AddFunctionality visualisation enables the command of other functions related to block search and is used depending on the execution of an application.
For example
- the "Start NC program at file offset" section is used to start an NC program at the point which is defined by the specified file offset. The set- and copy keys are used for the same purpose as in other visualisations.
- the "ContinueMotion CU" section is used to command the appropriate control unit. This is useful if Start 2 and Start 3 are to be commanded by this control unit.
- the "Forward/Backward" key is used to execute the NC program backwards. This key acts on the NC kernel via the control unit gpCh[..]^.bahn_mc_control.backward_motion(CNC Build > 2800).
- the section "Suspend axis output" acts on the control unit gpCh[..]^.bahn_mc_control.suspend_axis_output(CNC Build > 2800). This can suppress the setpoint output of a channel to the physical axes and permit them to be requested and moved by another channel.
The command of the control unit is implemented in the POU "AddFunctionality".