Exclusive programming
In the default setting, only one measuring system may be selected in the NC block. It is not permitted to use redundant programming or programming of G90 and G91 in the same NC block. The position of G90/G91 within the NC block then has no meaning.
Programing Example

Exclusive programming
N10 X10 Y10 (Absolute measuring system G90 is selected, basic setting)
N20 G91 X20 Y20 (Deselect absolute and select relative programming)
N30 X30 G90 Y30 (Deselect relative and select absolute programming)
N100 G90 Z30 G90 (Error message: redundant programming of G90/G91)
N110 G91 X10 G90 Z30 (Error message: redundant programming of G90/G91)