Selecting/deselecting manual mode with parallel interpolation (G201/G202).

The internal interface between interpolator and manual mode is activated for the programmed path axes. Spindles cannot be programmed.

Release Note


As of Build V2.11.2010.02 the specification of axes X.. Y.. Replaces the command #ACHSE [...]. For compatibility reasons, this command is still available but it recommended not to use it in new NC programs.

G201 selects manual mode for specific axes. After that, manual mode with parallel interpolation is active for these axes until it is deselected by G202.


G201 <axis_name>.. {<axis_name>..}



Select manual mode for some specific axes. The coordinate value is only required for syntax reasons; otherwise it is irrelevant. When selected, axes must always be specified.

G202 deselects manual mode for all or specific axes.


Deselect manual mode for all axes

modal, initial state

… or for specific axes

G202 <axis_name>.. { <axis_name>..}


Deselect manual mode for specific axes. The coordinate value is only required for syntax reasons; otherwise it is irrelevant.

After G202, manual mode offsets accumulated in the interpolator while G201 was active are note deleted. This either occurs

Programing Example


Selecting/deselecting manual mode with parallel interpolation (G201/G202).


G00 X100 Y100

;Status transition of X/Y axes to manual mode

G201 X1 Y1

P1 = 0

$WHILE P1 == 0

;Set up X/Y axes in manual mode

;Program continues by setting P1 to 1 on operating console


;Status transition of all axes to normal mode



;Optional: Request command positions, delete manual mode offsets


G01 Y200 F500
