Request current command positions and file to "V.A.ABS[ ]” (#CHANNEL INIT)
Release Note

As of Build V2.10.1504 the command #CHANNEL INIT [CMDPOS] replaces the command #SET DEC LR SOLL. For compatibility reasons, this command is still available but it recommended not to use it in new NC programs.
Syntax: |
#CHANNEL INIT [CMDPOS { AX=<axis_name> | AXNR=.. } ] |
AX=<axis_name> | Name of the axis for which the command value is requested. |
AXNR=.. | Logical number of the axis for which the command value is requested, Positive integer. |
The NC program interpreter requests the interpolator for the current command positions of all or specific path axes, files them to the working data and initialises the NC channel with these positions. The current command positions in the working data can then be accessed by programming the variable V.A.ABS (see also Section Axis-specific variables (V.A.)). Any stored manual mode offsets in the interpolator are then deleted automatically. The axis positions correspond to those for zero offset. The values stored in the variable V.A.MANUAL_OFFSETS (see also Section Axis-specific variables (V.A.)) are not updated.
Release Note

*The axis-specific request for command positions is available as of Build V2.11.2038.03.

If no axes are programmed, the command positions for all path axes in the channel are requested.
If axes are programmed, only the command positions for them are requested.
Programing Example

G01 F1000 X100 Y200
..... Moving in manual mode
#CHANNEL INIT [CMDPOS AX=X AX=Y ] ;Request for command value by
;axis specified by name..
#CHANNEL INIT [CMDPOS AXNR=1 AXNR=2 ] ;..or logical axis number..
#CHANNEL INIT [CMDPOS] ;....or for all path axes
#MSG ["Cmdpos X:%F, Y:%F ",V.A.ABS.X, V.A.ABS.Y]