Axis-specific M/H functions
In general, user-specific M/H functions programmed in conventional DIN syntax are handled and executed for specific channels.
If the user wants to force axis-specific handling for each user-specific M/H function, he can also preassign them in the channel parameters P-CHAN-00039 and P-CHAN-00025.
Syntax: | |
m_default_outp_ax_name[<m_nr>] | <axis_name> |
h_default_outp_ax_name[<h_nr>] | <axis_name> |
<m_nr> | User-specific M function with axis-specific effect. |
<h_nr> | User-specific H function with axis-specific effect. |
<axis_name> | Axis name of the axis on which the M/H function is to act. Path axes and spindle axes are permitted in this case. |
Programing Example

Axis-specific M/H functions
Channel parameter list [1]:
# Definition of axis-specific M functions
# ============================================
m_default_outp_ax_name[20] S2
m_default_outp_ax_name[21] S3
m_default_outp_ax_name[22] Z
# Definition of axis-specific H functions
# ============================================
h_default_outp_ax_name[10] X
h_default_outp_ax_name[11] Y
h_default_outp_ax_name[12] Z
N.. S1000 M3 M20 M21 M22 H10 ;S and M3 act on the main spindle axis
;M20 acts on the S2 spindle axis
;M21 acts on the S2 spindle axis
;M22 acts on the Z axis
;H10 acts on the X axis

If an axis-specific M/H function is programmed in a spindle-specific bracket expression, the default setting is ignored and the M/H function acts on the corresponding spindle axis.
Moreover, for path axes, the NC program can also force an axis-specific output of M/H functions by the use of bracketed expressions:
Syntax: |
<axis_name> [ [ M.. ] [ H.. ] { [ M.. ] [ H.. ] } ] { <axis_name> [ ... ] } |
<axis_name> | Axis name of the axis on which the M/H function is to act. Only path axes are permitted in this case. |
M.. | User-specific M function with axis-specific action. |
H.. | User-specific H function with axis-specific action. |
Programing Example

: | |
N10 S1000 M3 X100 X[M20 H12] Y[H10] | (S, M3 act on the main spindle axis) (M20, H12 act on the X axis) (H10 acts on the Y axis) |
: |
This gives the user the option of executing his specific M/H functions very flexibly by programming or configuring for specific axes or specific channels.
Programing Example