M/H functions with optional additional information
With M/H functions, an additive value can be optionally programmed in the NC program and made available to the PLC on the technology interface in combination with the M/H function.
The additive value can be programmed in all user-specific M/H functions and in the internal M functions M00, M01, M02, M17, M29 and M30. The M/H functions can then be used without restriction in both channel-specific and axis-specific programming syntax.
The following M functions may only be programmed without an additive value:
- spindle functions M03, M04, M05 and M19
- gear change functions M40-M45 and
- the subroutine function M6 (if configured as such in P-CHAN-00118)
Syntax: |
M.. [ = <additive_value> ] |
or |
H.. [ = <additive_value> ] |
M.. | User-specific M function |
H.. | User-specific H function |
= <additive_value> | Optional additive value. It can be programmed directly as a negative or positive integer or as a general mathematical expression. |
Programing Example

M/H functions with optional additive information
(M functions with additive value)
N10 M52=-345
N20 M12=123 ;with channel parameter m_default_outp_ax_name[12] Z
N30 M10=321 ;with channel parameter m_default_outp_ax_name[10] S
N35 P1 = 567 P2 = 345
N40 X[M54=P1]
N50 S[REV 1000 M03 M63=-789]
N60 M12=123 M10=321 M52=-345 X[M54=567] S[REV 1000 M03 M63=-789]
N70 M63=-789 M52=-P2 M54=567
N80 X[M52=-345 M54=567] Y[M63=-789] S[M05 M63=789 M54=-567] M54 M63
(H functions with additive value)
N110 H5=-345
N120 H6=123 ;with channel parameter h_default_outp_ax_name[6] Z
N130 H9=321 ;with channel parameter h_default_outp_ax_name[9] S
N135 P3 = 567 P4 = -345
N140 X[H7=P3]
N150 S[REV 1500 M04 H8=-789]
N160 H6=123 H9=321 H5=-345 X[H7=567] S[REV 1500 M04 H8=-789]
N170 H8=-789 H5=P4 H7=567
N180 X[H8=-789 H4 H5=-345] Y[H7=567] S[M05 H5=345 H7=567] H3 H8
(Mixed M/H functions with additive value)
N200 X[M52=-345 H4 H8=-789 M54=567 H5=345] H3=333 M54=444 H7=567 M63
(M/H functions with additive value in axis-specific function (INDP))
N05 X[INDP G90 G01 FEED=2000 POS=555 M54=151 H8=-181]
N999 M30=111
This additive information can be read in the PLC via the data of the M/H function.
See also [HLI// Data of the M/H function]